The Ultimate Breakfast- Break the Fast and wake the body

The Ultimate Breakfast The Avocado Fruit Salad The Greek Yogurt topping provides the protein your muscles need after a overnight fast. The Avocado provides the essential fats needed for optimum nutrition helping the nerves, skin , heart and more! Both the fruit salad and the yogurt topping can be made in advance. Its quick and…

15 minute Meal Option to Lose Weight and Feel Great!

15 minutes to create a Weight reducing Lunch. Rocket and Prawn Salad This colourful dish combines avocado and cashew nuts for a fatty acid cocktail that will plump up your skin and protect your nerve endings. Ingredients: 1 Pink Grapefruit Juice of 1 Lime 2 tablespoons fish sauce 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 red chilli…

The Fat Burning Circuit in 20 minutes or less

Ignite your body and turn into a Fat burning machine! Warm Up 5 min cycle/ Jogging on the spot 10 squats x 2 10 Hamstring swings each leg 10 squats 12 calf pumps 10 Dynamic lunges x 2 General stretch Follow the below circuit resting only when necessary. Hydrate prior to doing the session and…

Body Weight Blast in 20 minutes

The Body weight Fat shredder. 20 minutes to ignite the internal engine and shred that Fat! Dynamic warm up 10 x hamstring swings 10 x press ups 10 x walking lunge (5 each leg) 10 x dynamic squats 10 x hip rotations 10 x shuttle forward and backwards over 10m High knee runs over 10m…

12 minutes Protein Cookies

  Protein Cookie Recipe Keep the hunger at bay and eat these healthy snacks in between main meals to stay on track! Serves 24 Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 10-12 minutes The Skinny Per 1-cookie serving: 184 cal 12 g fat (2 g sat) 14 g carbs 93 mg sodium 2 g fiber 9…

Healthy Options to Feed the brain and fuel the body!

Healthy Options in minimal time!  Boiled Egg, Spinach, Tomato Sandwich Forget the Fast food outlet when this healthy and nutrias sandwich can be made in the comforts of your own home with all the nutrients you need to fire the body up.  Spinach and tomatoes provide valuable vitamins and antioxidants; a fiber-filled whole wheat English…