If you are looking for the healthiest and best fruits to add to your diet which can be used as snack options, it will be important to know the important facts . Pineapple If you’re looking for a tropical fruit packed with excellent health benefits, look no further than the pineapple, rich in vitamin C…
Category: Ganoderma
Avocado Brownies
Delicious Avocado Brownies to fix the sugar Cravings with the healthier options. Mouth Watering Avocado Brownies Ingredients 3 large free-range eggs 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder Whey 30g 1 Medium Avocado 3 Table spoons Honey 2 Tablespoon Unsweetened Apple sauce 1 teaspoon Baking Soda 0.25 Teaspoon Sea Salt 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract groundnut oil…
Add some steel to your leg workout with this 15 minute legs workout
Add Power to your lower body with this hard core dumbbell and barbell workout! Start by performing two sets with a 10 second rest between each set then move onto the next exercise to fire up those gluten and build that strength and power in the legs. Dynamic Forward Lunge x 8 reps per leg…
The Sleep Deprived Ingredient
Magnesium is an important component of overall health, regulating and interacting in hundreds of chemical processes throughout the human body. It is responsible for proper function and repair of muscle and nerve tissue, including the heart. It’s also an important factor in protecting blood vessels, regulating blood pressure and even aids in the prevention of…
The Vegetarian Protein Solution
If you are a vegetarian or just a meat-eater that feels that a diet high in meat could lead to some health issues in the long-term, there are a tonne of high protein choices that don’t come from animals. It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein. Nearly all…
Love Coffee? Try Organo Gold : Ganoderma and the Health Benefits
Ganoderma contains a wealth of active ingredients which make it a true superfood and extremely potent for treating illnesses, ensuring health & enhancing human performance… For More than 4,000 Years – Has This Natural Medicine Been Considered ‘The King of Herbs’ And Considered One of the Most Critical Safeguards to Your Health, Longevity & Immune…
The Fat Burning Circuit in 20 minutes or less
Ignite your body and turn into a Fat burning machine! Warm Up 5 min cycle/ Jogging on the spot 10 squats x 2 10 Hamstring swings each leg 10 squats 12 calf pumps 10 Dynamic lunges x 2 General stretch Follow the below circuit resting only when necessary. Hydrate prior to doing the session and…
Healthy Options to Feed the brain and fuel the body!
Healthy Options in minimal time! Boiled Egg, Spinach, Tomato Sandwich Forget the Fast food outlet when this healthy and nutrias sandwich can be made in the comforts of your own home with all the nutrients you need to fire the body up. Spinach and tomatoes provide valuable vitamins and antioxidants; a fiber-filled whole wheat English…
The Lean and Mean Body Weight Circuit
Dynamic warm up 10 x hamstring swings 10 x press ups 10 x walking lunge (5 each leg) 10 x dynamic squats 10 x hip rotations 10 x shuttle forward and backwards over 10m High knee runs over 10m x 2 sets General mobility of upper body and lower body The Circuit is designed…
Body Weight Tabata Routine
Bodyweight training, when done right (and well) can truly enhance your body aesthetic. It can get your heart rate up and leave you in a pile of your own sweat if you’re willing to get serious with it. Tabata training consists of 20-second segments of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. This minimalist routine…