The Fat Burning Circuit in 20 minutes or less

Ignite your body and turn into a Fat burning machine! Warm Up 5 min cycle/ Jogging on the spot 10 squats x 2 10 Hamstring swings each leg 10 squats 12 calf pumps 10 Dynamic lunges x 2 General stretch Follow the below circuit resting only when necessary. Hydrate prior to doing the session and…

Body Weight Blast in 20 minutes

The Body weight Fat shredder. 20 minutes to ignite the internal engine and shred that Fat! Dynamic warm up 10 x hamstring swings 10 x press ups 10 x walking lunge (5 each leg) 10 x dynamic squats 10 x hip rotations 10 x shuttle forward and backwards over 10m High knee runs over 10m…