Boulder Shoulders & Bulging Biceps


Shoulders and Arms Giant sets

Warm up

Shoulder press with an empty bar increasing the weight but reducing the reps till you reach your starting weight.

5 minutes cycle

Dynamic upper body stretches
10 shoulder rotations forwards
10 shoulder rotations backward

10 press ups

Do each giant set – four moves done back to back without rest

Complete four sets to pack on muscle and burn fat.

Rest 2-3 mins after the fourth exercise

then complete a further 3 sets!

*Tempo 3010 means 3 seconds on the eccentric phase (lowering) 0 pause then 1 second concentric phase. Speed of movement




Shoulder Press 8 reps/ Tempo 3010/Rest 0secs


Push press 8 reps/ Tempo 2010/ Rest 0 secs


Dumbell High pull 12 reps/ Tempo 2010/ rest 0 secs


Dumbell Lateral Raise 12 reps/ Tempo 2010/ Rest 2-3 mins


Complete 4 sets


Close grip chins 8 reps/ Tempo 3010/ Rest 0 seconds

Dumbell Hammer or standard curls 12 reps/ Tempo 3010/ Rest 0 seconds


Dips 10 reps/ Tempo 2010/ Rest 0 seconds

Tricep pull downs 15 reps/ Tempo 2010/ Rest 2-3 minutes

Complete 4 sets

On completion of the 3-5 sets finish your session with Tummy buster!

3 x 25 Bicycle sit ups 10 seconds rest between sets

3 x 30 seconds Plank 15 seconds rest between sets

3 x 15 seconds side Plank each side no rest

A high protein supplement post workout will be beneficial.
Rehydrate and eat a healthy balanced meal to aid in recovery.

For more nutrition tips or fitness programmes send me a email.





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